Who are HUMA NERROR PRODUCTIONS? Well it's me, Matt Willis-Jones, and a bunch of actors and filmmakers based in Oslo, Norway.
Click on the links below to find out more about us. Or you can just look at the pictures :)
Photo by Kristin von Hirsch
photo by Kristin von Hirsch
Ragnhild H. Myntevik, Matt Willis-Jones, Harald Sørlie and Jørn-Bjørn Fuller-Gee. Pointing. At you.
An awesome bunch of people feeling awesome after an awesome shoot. Film was alright I guess.
Photo by Kristin von Hirsch
On set of ATOPIA with Elvira NIkolaisen. Photo by Frode Nordås
Me thinking 'Good God how on Earth did i get these brilliant people to work with me?!' Photo by Kristin von Hirsch
this photo taken moments before my finger also became topped with curling locks Photo by Kristin von Hirsch
Photo by Kristin von Hirsch
having to explain to the cast half way through shooting that they're not getting paid... Photo by Kristin von Hirsch
Here's a picture of me looking really important with Vera Holte and Peter Tjølsen. Photo by Kristin von Hirsch
well at least someone's enjoying himself... Photo by Kristin von Hirsch
Photo by Kristin von Hirsch
An award and how to pick it up.
Looking cool at Skepto 2013 with Peter Tjølsen and Pete Rycroft.
'oh right... so it goes though the hole at the front and comes on the screen... very clever!' Photo by Kristin von Hirsch